Email Marketing

Email marketing is a specialized skill and can be daunting.

Whether you or one of your employees is an experienced email marketer or you’re starting from square one, your in-house skill set will help determine what you’re looking for in an agency. Time is also a big factor.

Do you have enough time to involve yourself with every detail of an email-marketing campaign? Do you have the necessary time or inclination to teach yourself? Think about these kinds of questions as you look at the list below, which includes some signs it’s time for outside help:

  • You want to start marketing through email, but you have no idea where to start and don’t have the time to learn. If that’s the case, get help now.
  • You’ve done some email marketing, but you want to take it to the next level. It can be hard to ramp up revenue or increase efficiency. A specialist can help guide you in the right direction, or take over the whole thing.
  • You know what you’re doing, and if you just had a few more hands, you could really go places. A consultant can seamlessly help you knock it all out.
  • You need help with one step. Your team might be filled with creative wizards, but you can’t tell if their flowery prose is selling your flower pots. Or maybe there’s a left-brained stats freak whose campaign needs a shot of creativity. Contracting out analytics or creative agencies or consultants might be the way to go.
  • People aren’t actually getting your email, or you’re not getting their responses. These issues can ruin a great campaign. Someone else can make sure you don’t miss those opportunities.
  • Your email list is out of control or non-existent. An expert can help you grow your list responsibly. They can also track things like customer behavior, so you can better target each individual recipient with the appropriate message.

Any of these problems sound familiar? If so, don’t fret we can help.